
Industry News

Electric truck market has huge potential growth in the future

Electric passenger cars can now be seen everywhere, and sales of electric passenger cars have accounted for 30% of car sales. However, heavy-duty electric trucks are not seen too often, but the number of light-duty electric trucks on urban roads is gradually increasing. At present, urban roads are often congested, and fuel trucks are used to deliver goods in the city. The cost of fuel is gradually increasing, and the profits of truck drivers are getting lower and lower. On urban roads, using light trucks for delivery can save a lot of fuel costs, and even if the freight is low, you can still earn good transportation profits. Electric light trucks are a boon to delivery drivers on urban roads.

The background to the rise of electric trucks

Let’s not talk about electric trucks for the moment, but the entire electric vehicle industry has been developing crazily in recent years. Just from the number of electric vehicles around us, it has definitely grown exponentially. If you pay attention, you will find that taxis and ride-hailing nowadays are basically electric vehicles. And at the national policy level, in the future, China will vigorously support and develop the electric vehicle industry. After all, sustainable development is important. Non-renewable resources like oil will definitely be replaced in the future. Therefore, the development prospects and space of the electric vehicle industry are very large, and the proportion of gas-powered trucks in the entire electric vehicles will increase year by year.

There’s a big market for electric tractors

At present, China's electric trucks mainly include trucks, urban light trucks and tractors, but they account for a relatively small proportion of the entire truck market, especially tractors. Looking back at the entire truck market, most of the current truck market is still fuel-consuming vehicles. The overall sales volume of electric trucks is mainly small trucks, with a small number of heavy trucks, and only BYD makes electric tractors. Domestic heavy-duty truck manufacturers are actively developing heavy-duty electric trucks to avoid being eliminated from the market in the future. Nowadays, there are many brands of light trucks for urban transportation, and most truck manufacturers are producing light electric trucks, because light electric truck technology is very mature in China, and a range of more than 200 kilometers can basically meet the needs of daily urban delivery. In the past, the electric truck market was almost limited to big cities such as Beijing, Shenzhen, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. Now, light trucks for delivery can be seen on the roads of major, medium and small cities. This is not only a transformation of China's truck development, but also a development strategy launched by China for sustainable development and environmental protection. Judging from the current market for electric trucks in China, there is indeed a vast development potential and space.

Starting from 2017, the past few years have been a period of rapid development of pure electric trucks. The development of pure electric trucks in recent years has laid a good foundation for the future development of electric trucks. Of course, electric trucks themselves also have shortcomings. The main difference between pure electric trucks and refueling trucks is that there are gas stations everywhere, but charging piles are limited. You can set off after refueling in a few minutes, but charging at the charging pile will take several hours or even more than ten hours. Only then can we set off. Because electric trucks currently cannot solve the problem of being ready to deliver goods at any time, many truck drivers may not choose pure electric trucks. This is the main reason why it is currently limited in the electric truck industry.

With the continuous improvement of pure electric truck technology in the future, electric trucks will definitely have a very broad market. From the urban light trucks that can be seen everywhere at present, we can know that electric trucks are at the forefront of development. Nowadays, urban pure electric dump trucks have been widely produced and used. Electric tractors are currently only used in port logistics. However, with the changes in national policies and technological innovation in the electric vehicle industry, electric tractors have huge market potential in the future.